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Expobar Office Leva 2 / Expobar Brewtus 2 ou Minore

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Expobar Office Leva 2 / Expobar Brewtus 2 ou Minore Empty Expobar Office Leva 2 / Expobar Brewtus 2 ou Minore

Message par maiden.5 Jeu 3 Juil 2008 - 18:20

Bonjour à tous

Ces deux machines sont bien différentes non?

Brewtus 2: Règlages température d'eau et 2 manomètres

Office Leva: Rien de ces 2 options.

Et ou ce procurer la Brewtus 2 à part a l'etranger.

Merci bcp d'eclairer ma lanterne de débutant. Very Happy

Date d'inscription : 03/07/2008
Machine à café : Expobar Brewtus 2
Broyeur : Mazzer Mini Electro
Nombre de messages : 29

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Expobar Office Leva 2 / Expobar Brewtus 2 ou Minore Empty Expobar Brewtus versus Office Leva

Message par Barista Rolf Mer 16 Juil 2008 - 8:21

Bonjour Maiden.5,

Sorry for my bad French, I'll answer in English to you. Very Happy

The differences between the Expobar Brewtus and Leva are a bit more than you suggest. The Brewtus has additional to the Leva:

-Double boiler system, 1 boiler for steam/hot water and 1 boiler for making coffee

-Because of these separate boiler systems you can adjust the steam pressure on this boiler, so this will give you more steam power for milk based drinks. One boiler machines can't do this, because it would directly effect your coffee brew water and will burn your espresso.... Sad

-Digital temperature control of the coffee boiler, in steps of 1 degree Celcius. So, you can adjust the temperature to get the best flavour of each bean/coffee brand

-2 Manometers, 1 for the boiler pressure and 1 for the pump pressure.

-Double sided anti burn steam wand. This steam wand stays cool when using, you don't burn your hands and the milk won't stick so much to the steel wand. So it is easier cleaning.

So, the Brewtus has some more extra's than the Office Leva. The Leva is just fine for users who don't want all the extra's at a better price. In the end both machines are capable of making great Italian caffe! Smile

You can check for Expobar products or other espresso machines, grinders and barista tools. It is no problem to ship to France.

Please feel free to contact me, I've worked with the Brewtus in my home for about 1,5 years, and very happy with it.

Barista Rolf

Date d'inscription : 16/07/2008
Machine à café : Expobar Brewtus II
Broyeur : Fiorenzato T80
Nombre de messages : 4

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